
EGS has 30 day policy that restricts any new member from joining that has been in a community/clan in the last 30 days.

Exceptions can be made for the following two reasons:

  1. We have a community transfer set up with the previous community. If this is the case, then it must go through the President of EGS and the community leader of their past clan.
  2. The community waives the 30 day policy. If this is the case, then the High Council will handle the case.

24 Hour Policy

-We understand that regrets may be had after leaving EGS. If that is the case, you may rejoin and retain your rank within 24 hours of leaving, as long as, you left on good terms and was in good standing at your rank.

Hosting/rescheduling policy:

An event has to be replaced or rescheduled within 2 hours of its scheduled time.

Membership Revoked Policy- Membership revoked means that you can associate with the community, but are not a part of the community and not allowed in the Discord server. You no longer are available to become a member of EGS. A membership revoke should be implemented if someone is poaching, breaks the Code of Conduct severely, or causes major issues in the community or Discord server.

Appealing your revoked membership- A revoked member will not have access to the Discord, he or she must have a EGS member submit a membership revoked appeal form found in the Discord server on their behalf. Be sure to have a witness on call, just in case. The High Council will then decide on ruling. If denied, you must wait 6 months to reapply. 

Do Not Hire (DNH) Policy- DNH means that you have been removed from EGS membership and shouldn’t be recruited back, but you are allowed to be in the Discord server. This is for minor multiple offenses, leaving/joining too many times, drama, too many warnings, etc.

Appealing your DNH- A DNH’d member should fill out a MR/DNH form found in the Discord server. Have a witness read, just in case. The HC will then decide on the ruling. If denied, you must wait 6 months to reapply.

Membership Return Policy

You are allowed to rejoin the community if you have left before, but you must submit a membership rejoin form in the Discord server. The High Council will then review your app and decide on a ruling from there. If denied, you must wait three months to reapply. 

You may leave and rejoin EGS up to three times. After you leave the third time, a DNH will be issued, this can be appealed. Please read more about the DNH in the DNH policy.

Elder Council/Leader Council Reinstatement

Any member from elder council or leader council that wishes to return to EGS membership and to the chain of command, must fill out a membership return application. The High Council will then vote them in or not. If approved, then the rank, division and/or squad will be determined by the HC vote.

At EGS we allow you to be apart of up to three departments at a time. This is to allow you to remain balanced with your rank and department duties.

If you want a division transfer, you may submit your request to your division leader. The division leader must tell the director, and the director will then inform your new potential div leader. You will suffer a one week rank suspension, and the new div leader will place you into a squad, and your new generals will give you a new rank (cannot be higher than previous unless approved by new Div Leader.) If you are a Div rank, the Director will select your new rank. 

If you want a squad transfer, you may submit your request to your general. The general must tell the division leader, and the div leader will then inform your new potential general. You will suffer a one week rank suspension, and the new general will select your new rank (cannot be higher than the previous one, unless approved by div leader.)

EGS Squad Transfer Form

**Please copy and paste and send to your division staff**

  1. Gamer tag:
  1.   Your rank:
  1. Squad you are in:
  1. Squad you want to transfer to:
  1. Today’s date
  1. Your general:
  1. Reason why you want to transfer:
  1. Approved by:

A member can only transfer squads twice and divisions once within 3 months or 90 days. If a member transfers divisions, it counts as a squad and a division transfer, meaning they would only have one in division squad transfer left. After the 90 days of their first transfer, the policy resets.

Rank Suspension Policy- A rank suspension is a suspension for doing any duties from that rank, or you may be required to attend so many meetings and gain so many recruits. According to the rank that you are, you may be able to issue a rank suspension. A rank suspension can only be issued, if someone is not doing their jobs in that rank, disrespect, or some other form, such as breaking the code of conduct or breaking any policies. All rank suspensions must be submitted to a director for filing. After filing the High Council will review. Please submit your reasoning and have a witness submit what they heard and felt what happened.

Appealing a rank suspension– If you feel that your rank suspension was unfair, you may submit an appeal and the High Council will review it. Please have two witnesses ready to be called upon. The High Council will have final say so on the suspension.

Chain of command must be followed at all times regarding clan operations. If you break the chain of command, you will receive warnings, after after a few warnings, you may get a rank suspension. Follow the ranking structure and ask the rank above you to follow the ranking structure. 

We as the leaders want to hear from you, the community. We do ask you to do it in a formal fashion. You may post your ideas into the Discord server channel labeled for ideas and suggestions. You may also speak to any leader, just be respectful and patient. If it is about an issue or squad/division operations, please use the chain of command.

Elder Council Requirements

  1. Must have been in EGS for a minimum of 6 months.
  2. Must have reached the rank of board of directors or High Council, and actively held the rank for a minimum of 3 months.
  3. Must have been inducted into EGS Hall of Fame.

Leader Council Requirements

  1. High Council will vote on each candidate.
  2. Four months consecutively holding a clan ops rank
  3. Must be a co division leader or up.
  4. Will have a performance review before being voted upon.

EGS Hall of Fame Requirements

Six months consecutively holding a clan ops rank.

Rank requirement minimum of high council. Minimum of one month holding a high council position Performance review will occur before being voted upon.

Board of owners will vote on each candidate.

These requirements are subject to change. Effective 4-15-23 per High Council Vote.

EGS Recruiting Procedure

-All potential recruits must fill out an application on website. egsclan.com/join, once approved by a high council member, the training process can begin. They will post the application in the “to be recruited” channel in the Discord Server.

-If the potential recruit is a former EGS member, they must fill out a rejoin application, which can be found at egsclan.com/rejoin.

-The person who will get credit for the recruit as the recruiter will be the referrer on the application. If there is not a referrer listed, then please list “Website” as the recruiter on the train in forms.

-Whatever squad the referrer is in, that is the squad that they will be joining. If there is no referrer, the high council will assign a squad when they post the application to the “to be recruited” channel.

-No recruits are to be trained in without an application being approved by high council first.

EGS Training Procedure (This can be done through pms or through voice) Must be a master sergeant or higher to complete the training process.

-Reach out to the applicant that was approved for training. Introduce yourself.

-Ask if they have read all important documents & Discord rules, if they have not please send them the link, egsclan.com/polcies After they have read, ask if they agree to all documents, policies and rules. If they do agree, then you may proceed. If they do not, then the process will have to stop.

-Give them their squad name, division name, and the general of their squad name. Have them send a friend request to the general on Discord.

-Ask if they have any questions about EGS and/or the squad. If they do, please answer to best of ability.

-Fill out a train in form in the Discord section for your squad, so the senior squad staff can add them to the cms.

-Ask a Major and up to give squad and EGS roles. -Tag new member in squad chat to welcome them. Also tag the squad role.

Fluffs are to occur at the discretion of the division leader. Members must message in a seven day period or they will be placed on the inactive list. People that are fluffed will be changed to guest in the Discord Server.

EGS High Council votes on all major decisions, court cases, policy changes, operation changes, etc. Any vote will be up for an 8 hour period in the discord voting channel, this allows all High Council members a chance to vote. After 8 hours, the result of the vote will be enforced or applied. The vote may end before 8 hours, if all High Council members vote before then. If all HC members vote, then the result of the vote will be enforced or applied. A HC member may decide not to vote, but after eight hours the result of vote will be enforced or applied with/without everyone’s vote.

President of EGS may veto a vote, if it is deemed necessary.

While we know life comes first and we certainly encourage it, there are responsibilities that still have to be completed. When you accepted a promotion and/or rank, you agreed to the duties and time requirements that the rank entails. Failure to meet those requirements and duties, remain active or cause issues will result in warnings. After three warnings, demotion can occur.

In EGS relationship are welcome but we ask for you to keep any problems in the relationship

outside of egs and not to bring them into the server.

If you are in a relationship with someone inside of EGS you can both rank up in staff but only

one of you will be able to go up to general and other won’t be able to go past major.

If the squad split you will be able to separate and go to separate squad allowing each of

them to reach the highest rank as they won’t be in the same division.

Division staff under no circumstances should not be in a relationship with someone who is

senior staff and up in the same division.

If in a relationship all will be treated fair and not treated differently on biased opinions.



Do you need a LOA?

If you are going to be absent or inactive for 48 hours (2 days) or more, then you will need to apply for an loa.

You may only request up to 14 days max per LOA. Special circumstances that require more than 14 days must be approved by the division leader or higher.

You can only have one approved loa request per 45 days. The time starts after you return from your last completed loa. 45 days has to occur before you’re eligible for another loa. Special circumstances can be approved by the Div lead or higher.

Your loa request may be denied if 1/3rd of your current level staff is on loa. Must have to have 2/3 of current staff level off loa to be approved. Unless Div lead approves a special circumstance.

Leave of Absence Request

Todays date:


Discord name:


Squad & Division:

Your Division Leader:

Requested time off:

Start date:

Date of return:


Squad Split Requirements

  1. A fluff will occur before a request is approved, if the squad doesn’t meet the criteria after the fluff, then the squad split will be denied.
  2. Minimum of 75 members
  3. All ranks master sergeant thru general filled (1 General, 1 Lieutenant General, 1 Major, 4 captains, 4 lieutenants, 5 master sergeants)
  4. Must hold above requirements for a week after request is approved. After the week is up, the split will occur, if the criteria is still met.

Division Split Requirements

  1. Minimum of 300 total members
  2. Minimum of 5 squads
  3. Minimum total staff: 5 generals, 5 lt generals, 5 majors, 20 captains, 20 lieutenants, 25 master sergeants.
  4. Minimum division staff: 1 division leader, 1 co division leader, 2 section leaders, 3 section chiefs.

Squad Split Request FromTo be filled by General, and sent to Division Leader

  • Name of Squad:
  • Names of Leaders:
  • Names of Captains:
  • Names of Lieutenants:
  • Names of Master Sergeants:
  • Number of Members:
  • Have all split requirements been met?
  • Today’s Date:
  • Ending Date of Retention Week:
  • Are there any members that wish to stay in the same squad, or want to make sure they are in different squads? (This is confidential and is not guarenteed, and is only to be shared with higher ups)

EGS Division Split Request Form

Must be filled out by Senior Director and then sent to High Council 

**Please note, nothing is final until Board approves. Board may make changes as seen fit

  1. Date of Division Split
  1. Division Leader:
  1.  Co-Division Leader:
  1.  Names of Section Leaders:
  1.  List all Generals:
  1.  List all Lieutenant Generals:
  1.  List all Majors:
  1.  List all Captains:
  1.  List all Lieutenant’s:
  2. Today’s Date:
  1. Members whom need to be separated and/or want to stay in same Division list here:

EGS may implement a one strike policy on a member. If that member then breaks any rules or violates the code of conduct, the member will then be DNH’d.

Ready to start your journey?

EGS Would love to have you join our family.

Handcrafted by and for Gamers © 2021  •  Armadon Theme by Themosaurus. All related content, characters, names and materials that could be part of an existing work, are the exclusive property of their authors.